Photo St Davids Poultry Team Ltd
If you are interested in using natural control methods, have worries regarding potential fly nuisance reports or plan to reduce your chemical control
methods, this is the place to explore the possibilities.
Biological control methods are effective and economical to use. They work by breaking the fly lifecycle before the new fly emerges from the pupa.
St David’s Poultry Team have been supplying parasitic wasps for many years to layer sites, dairy farms, stables and other animal production systems.
Controlling flies on poultry farms is challenging; with manure stored in the pit over the life of the flock, potential resistance to some chemical fly
control products, moisture from water ingress added to favourable temperatures in the layer house give flies a direct line to the ideal breeding ground.
The current main method of fly control in the UK is to target the adult fly population with insecticides or the larval population with larvacide. This
can be effective, but with using the same larvacide over time this can increase the likelihood of chemical resistance. Chemicals can also be harmful
to other organisms and potentially to the flock plus time is required to apply and of course costs can easily escalate. Compliance with Health and Safety
is also a consideration.